LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn™ Marketing

Reach Your Brand’s Full Potential By Leveraging LinkedIn™ Marketing Strategies


Are You Leveraging LinkedIn™ to Market Your Business?

B2B marketing is more competitive today than ever, and as a result, modern marketers need to utilize every tool at their disposal to reach their target audiences. LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools available for B2B marketers, yet many businesses are still not using it to its full potential.

76% of your customers use LinkedIn as a primary resource to gather information about products, services, and solutions that can address their most significant business challenges. With such a massive opportunity for reach and engagement, it’s essential you start utilizing LinkedIn as part of your marketing mix if you haven’t already started doing so.

Why isn’t LinkedIn Marketing a top priority for your organization? It should be.

Want to know where you stand compared to your competitors? We can show you how to find out.

Looking for ways to increase your reach, engagement, and conversions on your content? The lessons we teach will make a big impact.

Interested in boosting employee advocacy and leveraging the power of individual networks throughout your company? Our training and guidance will help you build stronger relationships.

Need help optimizing your advertising campaigns and creating synergy between organic and paid lead generation? We’ll help you create a tailored strategy to grow your business.

Why Should You Market Your Business on LinkedIn™?

LinkedIn is the perfect platform for B2B marketing – with over 850 million users (330 million monthly active users), it’s the world’s largest professional network and is growing extremely fast. It’s where business professionals connect, share ideas, and build relationships that can help your business thrive. 

Unlike other social media profiles that are more focused on vanity,  LinkedIn is all about business. People come to LinkedIn to learn, be inspired, and grow their careers – making it the perfect place to reach your future customers.

Marketing effectively on LinkedIn can help your company:

Raise brand awareness and company popularity
Increase trust and credibility with your target audiences
Help your other teams launch new products or services
Engage with online events to network more efficiently
Build relationships with customers to generate new leads

While plenty of companies are already leveraging LinkedIn marketing to some extent, very few find true success with their efforts. We frequently hear stories of wasted money, time, and resources from our clients who have tried managing their LinkedIn marketing efforts independently. The reality is, to make your LinkedIn marketing as effective as possible, you need to take a strategic and targeted approach.

That’s where we come in.

Our LinkedIn Marketing modules are designed to help you take your company’s LinkedIn presence to the next level and achieve your brand awareness, lead generation, and business goals. You can pick and choose from a handful of our most popular LinkedIn Marketing offerings, which include:


We offer a one-of-a-kind extended, thorough, and deep-dive LinkedIn™ Marketing analysis of your company and employee’s LinkedIn pages. Unlike any other LinkedIn consultancy, our team will custom tailor insights, strategies, and roadmaps on how to maximize your effectiveness and impact on LinkedIn based on the results of the initial research conducted during our marketing analysis.

Next to that we offer in-depth insights on content strategy and performance, as well as a competitor analysis as bench market.

One of our most popular marketing training packages, the Comprehensive LinkedIn™ Marketing Training includes three separate online sessions (90 or 120 minutes each) that cover topics ranging from content strategy to employee advocacy to marketing advertising. Companies who enroll in this training are truly dedicated to growing their business on LinkedIn™ and can expect to feel much more confident in their ability to successfully navigate and succeed on the platform.

For those who start building momentum on LinkedIn™ and feel like they still need professional guidance and development, we offer ongoing LinkedIn™ consulting services. Our LinkedIn™ experts provide monthly sessions, live calls, information about the latest platform updates and changes, and more to keep our clients on top of everything LinkedIn™-related.

Why Work With Us?

LinkedIn Marketing training and consulting is what we do, day in and day out.

Since 2015, Just Connecting has been 100% focused on LinkedIn and assisting our customers in developing top-notch marketing strategies. It’s our specialty, the platform we love, and where we know we can help people succeed.

Our clients in over 40 countries at over 750 companies have seen tremendous success introducing our social selling methods to over 250,000 of their professional salespeople. Our team is comprised of 14 trainers and consultants from 8 different nationalities, so we bring a diverse, eclectic, and expansive background to our training – unlike any other team in the industry.

For international clients interested in LinkedIn Marketing, no worries. We offer industry-leading LinkedIn training in 7 native languages:


If you’re looking to take your company’s marketing game to the next level with a dedicated brand growth strategy on LinkedIn, look no further than Just Connecting. We’re here to help you succeed.